ABS plastic is generally used as the shell of traditional household appliances. ABS plastic is widely used in automotive, home a…… MORE
Power plastic shell is now a very common item in our daily life, and the use of power plastic shell is also in great demand in m…… MORE
The surface treatment of plastic products mainly includes coating treatment and coating treatment. Plastics generally have high …… MORE
1、 The layout of the production workshop focuses on two aspects: meeting the production requirements, optimizing the layout acco…… MORE
1. Mold blank preparation. Most die blanks are metal, taking destruction processing as an example. The raw materials for forging…… MORE
High precision dies should not only have high machining accuracy, but also have good machining quality. Generally speaking, the …… MORE
Now people have far more requirements for plastic shells than before, and now it is more and more common to choose custom plasti…… MORE
Now most people are familiar with plastic shells, because there are all kinds of plastic shells in people's life, but we only kn…… MORE
Injection molding is a common production method in industrial manufacturing. Is an important tool for mass production, so what a…… MORE
醫療器械外殼機柜的關鍵應用是在醫藥學方面。大伙兒應用較為廣泛的便會有B超醫療的機箱機柜、包裝機箱機柜、血細胞儀機箱機柜、美容護膚機箱機柜、治療類機箱機柜等。 這種醫療設備機箱機柜外觀占有率勻稱,色調搭配和諧,使用abs塑料,并且在前面框重增加進口高級全透明亞克力板進行設計裝飾,醫療器械外殼定制設計裝飾的預……
MORE使用交流供電的醫療診斷、測量和治療設備會因接地和電氣絕緣不當而產生泄漏電流,從而可能使患者乃至醫務人員面臨高壓電擊、燙傷、內臟器官損傷和心率失常的風險當中。所以醫療器械外殼的絕緣層工作要做好。 1、機械設備的生產制造、加工和密封式要能夠防止其接觸帶電一部件和在單一常見問題條件下很有可能帶電的一部件。如果無……